Sunday, August 01, 2021

Chapter 30: When you allow yourself to be happy.

 Dear Love,

I bet you did not expect things to happen this way.

You probably think that being alone is best option that you could have. Why wouldn't you? It is a safe place and no one can harm you in your own bubble. I would not blame you if you choose to be. I understand.

You kept pushing people away. Because you always assume the worst situations in every scenario. You tried. Yes. But not hard enough to say you did your best.

I understand. You have been through a lot. Trusting the wrong people for the right reason and sometimes you find it hard to distinguish between genuine gold and plated. It is ok. I will not be hard on us anymore.

As you push them away, you watch from a far who will be strong enough to break that wall you made. Let then think you are the worst but in fact you are hurting. It is okay. You don't owe any explanation to anyone.

Now you realize that being alone is not the solution for having peace. It is with the right people. And yes at the right time.

Isn't it amazing that every time you kept on choosing Him, miracles happen? In a way you never expect to happen.

Choices makes life worth living.

One day you will wake up and decide to choose a certain person over and over believing that he will do the same way too.

Someone asked you if you are sure. You just smiled. But I know, deep inside what you think. "You will not be there meeting them if you are not sure."

I am happy you heart is at peace. I am thankful that finally you are genuinely happy.

I am happy you are choosing to be a better person because you want to make something work.

I am happy that you are deciding to turn your back on some bad attitudes you have because you do not want to hurt someone.

I am happy that in the midst of your new journey, someone is helping you to choose Him too.

2 years ago, you told someone that maybe misfortune happens to you to meet him. I guess that is right. The timing is not just right.

It would still be the same statement. I guess.

If all those pain would mean that it will lead me back to you, I would do it over and over.

It is different this time. You are different from before. You are better. You noticed, he is too.

I am glad and thankful and grateful for the decisions you are making.



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