Sunday, April 19, 2020

Chapter 11: How to win the battle

Dear love,

You might feel unsecured right now. The feeling of being out of your comfort zone might be so frustrating and combined with what is happening right now, anxiety and fear are now your besties at the moment.

There are no words that can heal whatever negative feeling that you have aside from: "this too shall pass" The things that are happening to you right now is unbearable but it wont last long. Everyday is a one step ahead to victory, just do not lose hope. Things are not over yet.

In case you forgot love, you are stronger that you think. You are bigger than any of this battle that you are fighting and as long as you have a reason to win, you already did.

"A warrior takes every opportunity to teach himself" - Paulo Coelho

To ease the sorrow, you might as well take every painful memories as an experience. Life is full of lesson and we all know, everything comes with a price. You might not understand why certain things are happening right now. And it is okay to cry. It is okay to breakdown every once in a while, it is okay to lose some battles because humans as we are, we are not born to be perfect but to learn.

Love, I know. It is easier said than done. You cannot expect yourself to be okay after the storm. There are still a lot to clean. The Aftermath. There will still be sleepless nights and empty thoughts. You will still be uncertain if you ever made the wrong decision, but as long as you have the light inside your heart, you will be okay.

Do not be hard on yourself Love, you are still learning. There are still many battles that you are yet to conquer and you need to be there for yourself in case everyone else will turn their back at you. Little steps at a time, you are doing great. A year, a decade from now, whatever you are feeling right now will be a bittersweet memories and I hope by that time, the situation is better than you every dreamed of.

Be strong Love.

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